Sunday, March 4, 2012

#yitmeetup video (part 1)

So as promised the yitmeetup was streamed live from Jaffna. We could get about 70% of the program streamed and rest lost due to technical hitch. You could view the recorded streaming at

The program started with Apple's think different video.

Followed by two presentations by Lukshica of University of Jaffna and Saenthan a student of IIS City Campus.  Both described their earliest interactions and undiluted candid, honest of opinion of theirs' on how they feel and see IT. It was a pleasure listening to them, ,while reflecting on how we started using computers ourselves.

Next of course yours truly killed 40 minutes of audiences time in a failed attempt to describe in Tamil the vision of YIT. Yes Tamil, almost 60% Tamil I guess. Then Mathu pulled a neat story out of his hat to inspire people. The story was based on the following video,

Then we had address by Dr. Charles the Head of the department of Computer Science at the university of Jaffna and Mr. Vignesh the Chairman and Founder of IIS City Campus Jaffna. Their words of wisdom and advice to the students was valuable to all the listeners.

Then for me was the highlight, it was the Analytical game, let me write about it separately in another post tomorrow.

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